Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nice Comments
Thanks to all of you who have made such nice comments on my Christmas pictures!! For some reason they are not showing up on my comments though when I clicked on it to publish them!
If you have time and would like to leave another message, please do so and I will see if I can figure out what is not working right!
It is probably something that "I" am not doing right! LOL!
Happy New Year to all my Blogging buddies!
If you have time and would like to leave another message, please do so and I will see if I can figure out what is not working right!
It is probably something that "I" am not doing right! LOL!
Happy New Year to all my Blogging buddies!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas at Gran's
Gran you won't be able to put a magnet over your face on here like you do on the refrigerator! LOL! This is a good picture I think!

Christmas Sugar Cookies! Yum! Yum!

They wanted to have a competition to see which one would win the best decorated so.....they asked my husband to judge (because he was not around when they did this). The winning Gingerbread cookies was.......
SCOTT'S!!! If you notice, his cookie even had stripped pants on!
Lauren's and Leah's was great as well. We all had a blast!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
More Christmas Memories!
Good Family Times at Christmas!

shot with everyone!
Here's our family with Joey's mother and step-father. We were so glad that Scott, Lauren's boyfriend could be here too to enjoy the day and all the excitement!
I will post more pictures later. I am still trying to figure my new camera out and how to download these pics to the blog!

I will post more pictures later. I am still trying to figure my new camera out and how to download these pics to the blog!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Santa will soon be on his way!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is finishing up those last minute gifts that they need to purchase. Only 2 days left ya know. However, you may be one of those early bird shoppers and you may already be finished and sitting back and relaxing while some of us are running around like a chicken with his head cut off!!
I am almost finished. I just have one more gift to buy and unfortunately I have to go out of town to get it! Ugh! I am planning on getting up early in the morning and heading out and hoping to be back before noon.
I started to post some pictures that I made today and Lauren left the cord to my camera at her apartment in M'boro so I could not download my pictures tonight. I was so disappointed because I had not gotten to post in awhile and I had some really cute pictures of our day decorating sugar cookies. Oh well, I guess I will post as soon as I get the cord!
Hope everyone has a peaceful day tomorrow! Our thoughts and prayers are with the Preslie Slatton family at this time. She is an 11 year old girl who past away today from and extended illness. She attended Eastside Elem. for awhile. I did not know her personally but my heart goes out to the family. What a terrible lose to loose a child esp. during this time of year.
I am almost finished. I just have one more gift to buy and unfortunately I have to go out of town to get it! Ugh! I am planning on getting up early in the morning and heading out and hoping to be back before noon.
I started to post some pictures that I made today and Lauren left the cord to my camera at her apartment in M'boro so I could not download my pictures tonight. I was so disappointed because I had not gotten to post in awhile and I had some really cute pictures of our day decorating sugar cookies. Oh well, I guess I will post as soon as I get the cord!
Hope everyone has a peaceful day tomorrow! Our thoughts and prayers are with the Preslie Slatton family at this time. She is an 11 year old girl who past away today from and extended illness. She attended Eastside Elem. for awhile. I did not know her personally but my heart goes out to the family. What a terrible lose to loose a child esp. during this time of year.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Break is almost here!

Ya'll have a good week and maybe when we are on break I will have more time to update you on things happening in my desperately seeking life!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sending prayers

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Boutte'
Do I dare mention it????
there is some snow in the forecast for Sunday night!!!
I guess you know what I am thinking!!!
I'm Back!!

I was able to start some of my Christmas decorating. I will post pictures soon.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and enjoyed being with their family. We sure do have a lot to be thankful for and we take some much for granted that's for sure!!!
Happy belated Thanksgivng to all my blogging friends!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Congratulations to Rae Rae!!

Rae and Scott we wish you many years of happiness together!
We can't wait to see pictures when you all return.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I've been tagged twice!
Ok I guess I am going to have to do this since I have been tagged by Kim and Debbie.
7 facts about myself.... strange/weird or unusual/funny
1. I think that I am probably in the Guinness book of world records! LOL!
I was on the Pioneerettes dance team in high school and so have my 2 daughters. I am the only past dance team member that has 3 generations of family being members of the dance team! Hummm boy this is really telling my age!
2. It absolutely drives me crazy for my husband to leave his chest of drawers open with clothes hanging out of them. How hard is it to shut the drawers??? Shezzzz????
3. Another thing that drives me crazy is when I work so hard to wash/dry/and fold my families clothes. They have a spot on a shelf for my husband and daughter to go and get them and take them up to their appropriate places. Well the problem is they never will come and get them and they continue to PILE UP and this is what I hear........" I don't have room in my chest of drawers to put them or in my closet!! NOT ENOUGH ROOM??? I guess that is because they have wadded up the clothes that are in their drawers and shoving them shut that is if they get shut!
4. I love to cook but hate to clean up my mess!
5. I can't stand to wear panty hose anytime of the year!
6. When I retire my dream job would be to move to Florida, work at Disney World and be the Fairy God Mother. That way everyone would love you and all the children would want hugs and your autograph. Everyone is happy at Disney World ya know.
7. I was on Candid Camera a long time ago back when I was in high school. The dance team got the opportunity to go to a taping of the show and guess who Alan Funt pulls out of the audience to be on TV??? yes me!! I was sooo embarrassed. I don't remember what he asked me but I did get to see it when it aired on TV.
8. I have to add one more thing! Another funny high school memory. When I was on the dance team we were performing at Tenn. Tech. Well I forgot my bloomers and they were red. Boy I was panicking! Well my best friend, Pam happened to have some red underwear and you guessed it....she let me borrow them. We sure didn't tell Ms. Patti though. I think I finally told her many years later and we had a good laugh out of it!
I now tag ..... Joy, Paula B. and Sheila
7 facts about myself.... strange/weird or unusual/funny
1. I think that I am probably in the Guinness book of world records! LOL!
I was on the Pioneerettes dance team in high school and so have my 2 daughters. I am the only past dance team member that has 3 generations of family being members of the dance team! Hummm boy this is really telling my age!
2. It absolutely drives me crazy for my husband to leave his chest of drawers open with clothes hanging out of them. How hard is it to shut the drawers??? Shezzzz????
3. Another thing that drives me crazy is when I work so hard to wash/dry/and fold my families clothes. They have a spot on a shelf for my husband and daughter to go and get them and take them up to their appropriate places. Well the problem is they never will come and get them and they continue to PILE UP and this is what I hear........" I don't have room in my chest of drawers to put them or in my closet!! NOT ENOUGH ROOM??? I guess that is because they have wadded up the clothes that are in their drawers and shoving them shut that is if they get shut!
4. I love to cook but hate to clean up my mess!
5. I can't stand to wear panty hose anytime of the year!
6. When I retire my dream job would be to move to Florida, work at Disney World and be the Fairy God Mother. That way everyone would love you and all the children would want hugs and your autograph. Everyone is happy at Disney World ya know.
7. I was on Candid Camera a long time ago back when I was in high school. The dance team got the opportunity to go to a taping of the show and guess who Alan Funt pulls out of the audience to be on TV??? yes me!! I was sooo embarrassed. I don't remember what he asked me but I did get to see it when it aired on TV.
8. I have to add one more thing! Another funny high school memory. When I was on the dance team we were performing at Tenn. Tech. Well I forgot my bloomers and they were red. Boy I was panicking! Well my best friend, Pam happened to have some red underwear and you guessed it....she let me borrow them. We sure didn't tell Ms. Patti though. I think I finally told her many years later and we had a good laugh out of it!
I now tag ..... Joy, Paula B. and Sheila
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Middle Tennessee State University Homecoming

Elizabeth is on the far left. She is a family friend of Rae and Megan's.
Whew ! There is lots more I could tell about each one of these beautiful girls, but I don't want to be too long!

Lauren always called Terry "Jolley Man"
New Header
I would like to say thanks to my friend, Paula's son, Corey for designing me a new header for my blog. He is such a sweetie and I did not even ask him to do it for me! I was mentioning to Paula the other day how I wished that I could do all these fancy things with my blog and she said that her son did all of her designing for her!
I am glad that we can rely on the "younger" generation for all this new technology that is takes those who are a little bit older longer to figure out! LOL!
Thanks again Corey! I appreciate it!
I am glad that we can rely on the "younger" generation for all this new technology that is takes those who are a little bit older longer to figure out! LOL!
Thanks again Corey! I appreciate it!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Whew what a busy week!
Sorry I have failed to post anything in a few days. It seems like I have been pretty busy this week with "mom things to do" or every time I started to use my computer it just wasn't cooperating and I did not want to wait on it! I guess I need some patience!!
I would like to add some people to my prayer list this week. Please keep Mrs. Dean in your prayers. She was attacked by a pack of dogs earlier this week. Thank goodness she survived the attack but will take some time to heal.
Also, my deepest sympathy to the McGiboney family on the death of their dad this week. This family has been a long time friend not only of my husband's family (in the showing cattle days) but to mine as well with one of his daughter's Renee, graduating with me from high school and Joyce attending church with her. Ms. Monice we sure are thinking about you during this hard time.
I have been busy making monkey bread these past 2 weeks!! Boy it sure is good and sooooooo easy to make. If you haven't ever made any, you need to try it out!! It will be a winner at your house! Guaranteed!!
I would like to add some people to my prayer list this week. Please keep Mrs. Dean in your prayers. She was attacked by a pack of dogs earlier this week. Thank goodness she survived the attack but will take some time to heal.
Also, my deepest sympathy to the McGiboney family on the death of their dad this week. This family has been a long time friend not only of my husband's family (in the showing cattle days) but to mine as well with one of his daughter's Renee, graduating with me from high school and Joyce attending church with her. Ms. Monice we sure are thinking about you during this hard time.
I have been busy making monkey bread these past 2 weeks!! Boy it sure is good and sooooooo easy to make. If you haven't ever made any, you need to try it out!! It will be a winner at your house! Guaranteed!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Don't Forget !!!
Pics from Trunk or Treat at church

The children "young and old" had a great time and got lots of candy! We also enjoyed the fellowship afterwards eating soup and sandwiches! Yum! Yum!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!

Hope everyone had a safe and great Halloween! Of course when we got back from the football game tonight our yard had been rolled!
It is so nice that people think so much of us to use their hard earned money and decorate our yard!! LOL!
Oh well it will give my husband something to do tomorrow since he is taking off!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
It's Fall Ya'll !!

This week has sure been an indication that fall is here! The weather has started to be quite cool in the morning. Esp. when you have to scrape the ice off of the window sheild!!
Up in the day has been wonderful. The children at school have had a great time playing outside and not getting so hot.
I sure am enjoying my new fall wreath. If you look closely, you will see the "Happy Harvest" painted artwork in my wreath. I got that at the Autumn Street Fair from Brandie at Dream Custom Artwork. She gave me the idea to stick it in my wreath and it turned out great!
Ya'll have a great weekend! Please keep Westwood's youth group in your prayers. They are on their youth retreat this weekend in Dandridge, Tn. (close to Pigeon Forge). Leah and all her buddies I'm sure are having a great time!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Cookbooks on Sale Now! Get'em before they get gone!

The books sell for $10.00 a piece.
Just leave me a comment or email me and let me know if you would like one or more. Leah would sure appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Smile! Smile! Smile!
Thanks to Ms. Paula Morris for nominating me for the "Smile Award." I appreciate so much you thinking of me!
I in turn must nominate 5 people for the smile award. I am nominating the following....
1. Debbie Haley - for all those smiles that you give me and others when we visit your office. She always has time or makes time to talk to you!
2. Sheila Boyd - for all those wonderful smiles you give each day to those 2 very special young guys that you work with at school!
3. Joy Tubb - for all those smiles that you give to your customers and recipients of your special cakes, pies, wedding cakes and goodies plus your catering lunches!
4. Tabitha Sullens - who always has a sweet smile every time I have seen her with such sweet words to go along with that smile!
5. LeCreidia Rutledge - who doesn't have a blog but is my teacher assistant and she ALWAYS has a smile on her face each and every day. She is such a joy to work with and I am so thankful that we have had the opportunity to work together for the past 4 years!
These are the rules:
1. The recipient must link back the the awards creator
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human)
Must love one another
Must make mistakes
Must learn from others
Must be a positive contributor to blog world
Must love life
Must love kids
1. The recipient must link back the the awards creator
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award.
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
Characteristics for the Smile Award:
Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times--we are all human)
Must love one another
Must make mistakes
Must learn from others
Must be a positive contributor to blog world
Must love life
Must love kids
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fall Break is officially over!

I am looking forward to seeing all 20 of my little preschool sweeties tomorrow! I have missed them!
Everyone have a great week!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Whew!! We've had a fun-filled weekend!

I had a great weekend spending time with both of my daughters!! What a great way to end our fall break! Guess I will have to get ready tomorrow for school next week.
Rascal Flatts donates to Vanderbilt's Children's Hospital

They proudly announced last night (and Dot and Daryl, little Andy Dunn's parents will be thrilled to hear this) that for last night's concert a big whopping check of $700,000 was going to Vanderbilt making it a grand total for the past 4 years as donating over 3 MILLION DOLLARS TO VANDERBILT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!!!! Isn't that AWESOME!!
Thanks Rascal Flatts!!
Bob That Head!!!

As we were leaving we saw Holly from MyKidsChaos and her sister Mandy. She will probably have some things posted on her blog as well.

She did a great job and said she was glad to be back at home in Tennessee!

We are proud of you girls, you did a great job!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Bell Buckle Craft Fair this weekend!

One more day until the Rascal Flatts concert!!
Fall break is quickly coming to an end for us. The holidays will be here before we turn around!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Can't wait until Friday night!!

I wish that I had taken her picture when I surprised her with the tickets. Priceless!!!!
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