Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh the beautiful sunshine!!!

These past week here in Tennessee has been a beautiful one to say the least!! This is our first week in quite awhile with no snow!! The temp has been in the mid 60's for most days. It has been a little overcast a few days but still wonderful!
Since I teach preschool, it has been extra nice to be able to take the children outside to play in the nice weather. It sure helps to get outside and run some of that energy off. I wish that I had just a little bit of a 4 year olds energy :)
I noticed that the buttercups are starting to pop up. You know the old saying about winter isn't over until is snows on them?? Well it probably will be true and snow a little more before spring is truly here.
I hope everyone had a great Valentines week and it was special to you in some way.
March will soon be here before we know it !!!! Everyone have a great weekend!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Valentines!!

I know it is not hardly Valentines Day yet but....these are the two prettiest Valentines that I could ever daughters!! Deacon, our dog well he is not exactly in the same category as the girls but he is smiling at you and keeps me company. I love him dearly too!!
Happy Valentines Day!! Mom loves you :)