Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dance Camp was a success for our team!

The Warren Co. High School Pioneerettes returned home from dance camp with many prestigious awards!! We are so proud of them!
They received the Team superior trophy, the team drill down award, and second place in their home routine.
These are the Senior/officers for the dance team this year. They are very talented girls who work very hard to keep the team at its best and be good examples and mentors to their teammates! At dance camp at TTU all of the Seniors received the All-American award (they had to perform a routine they learned at camp and do it individually plus add a couple of 8 counts onto the end of the routine for competing). By receiving this award they have the opportunity to go to Rome during New Years and perform in their parade there. However, also as officers, they have the opportunity to go to New York City and perform in the Macy's parade and they are going to be doing that!! We are so excited! The 4 seniors moms are going to go as well! I went when my oldest daughter was a senior and it was a great trip! I can't wait!

They seniors along with one junior also recieved the Team Full Out Award. This was a dance routine that was taught at camp in which they had to dance with 5 girls and incorporate shape changes and make it their own. They did a great job and were so proud of them for receiving this award at the end of camp!

Here's Leah after the team performed their home routine on the first night of camp. We did a routine this year that was totally different especially with the make up and hair! It was a hip hop routine that they girls absolutely loved! Thanks to all of you who came and supported the girls at camp and cheered them on. We had a great crowd from our town come and watch!

Here's Lauren and Leah showing that "sisterly love"! yes those are false eyelashes you see on Leah! Talk about having to put them on 20 girls!! Whew thank goodness for great parents/grandparents/aunts of the girls who came early and helped with hair and makeup!!

Here's a picture I took the last day of camp when the girls were stretching out to make sure they did not pull any muscles! Wish I could stretch like that!
Look at those good pointed toes!
Congratulations to the girls! and the coaches! A lot of time goes in before camp to get ready and prepare. The girls practiced every day after school was out from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00. During that time they also condition by running. If they didn't these routines are so strenuous they would never make it through the routine!
Thanks to all of you who help support our team throughout the year with our fundraisers! They sure do appreciate it!

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